Elaina’s Journey

Elaina Wagner was raised in coastal Maine by her father, a medical doctor and mother, a 3rd generation entrepreneur and yoga studio owner. Elaina’s journey to healing and wellness began as a child through her experiences with organic gardening, personal health, volunteer service and yoga. After a car accident and some health challenges in 2004-05, Elaina revisited yoga as a place of stress and pain relief. She then trained to be a 500-hour registered yoga teacher, and went on to study Psychology. Upon graduating with honors from Endicott College, Elaina embarked on a mission to learn more about the human condition, and how to heal. She came across Thai Yoga Therapy/Thai massage and fell in love with the practice as she went on to receive multiple certifications and open Conscious Cure in 2015. The feedback was so positive around Thai, that Elaina went on to study at North Carolina Massage school to become a Nationally Licensed Massage Therapist (2017). In 2020, post TBI, Elaina studied with IIN to become an Integrative Health Coach as well as moved back to Maine from the Carolinas where she opened her massage studio in the winter of 2022. Today, Elaina continues to grow as a practitioner as she offers massage, neuromuscular, therapeutic yoga and integrative nutrition education to her community. In her free time, she enjoys the beach and hiking trails with her partner, and their 3 dogs!

You can rise from the ashes

Why Conscious Cure?

Chronic pain and mystery symptoms affected Elaina for over 20 years. She went from doctor to doctor, tried various medications, diets, protocols. even new age theories just to find herself more sick and confused. “The thing is the system is failing us. They are treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. They are giving us quick fixes that lead to more side effects. They are misdiagnosing us, and allowing us to believe our bodies have turned on us. What about the root cause? What about our body’s natural intelligence to want to heal, and our ability to assist in that process” says Wagner. After years of what felt like swimming upstream, Elaina came up with the vision for Conscious Cure in 2013 to exemplify a conscious way to live, heal and be. To rid the home and body of toxins, to receive intentional touch, to rehab the pain, open up the detox pathways and to feed the body with whole, nutritious foods. “This is a gift, and I am HONORED to be able to give a dose of relief and therefore freedom to those that come in to receive. This is my why” says Wagner.

With gratitude.

your body is your home